Title Telematics in the Neonatal ICU and Beyond: Improving Care for High-Risk Newborns and their Families
Author(s) James Gray; Peter C. Jones; Michele Phillips; Paul Gertman; David Veroff; Charles Safran
Source Proceedings of the 1997 AMIA Fall Symposium (Daniel R. Masys, Ed.), Pages 413-417
ISBN (ISSN) 1091-8280
Publisher Hanley & Belfus, Inc.
Publication Date October, 1997
Abstract The Beth Israel-Deaconess has recently been awarded one of 19 contracts from the National Library of Medicine (NLM) to develop, implement and test a telemedicine application to support the care of Very Low Birth Weight Infants. This project is the only one to focus on the care of newborns. We believe that this project will provide a new national approach to managing the care of high-risk newborns by leveraging evolving communication technology.

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