Title A WWW Implementation of National Recommendations for Protecting Electornic Health Information
Author(s) John D. Halamka; Peter Szolovits; David Rind; Charles Safran
Source JAMIA, Vol. 4, No. 6, Pages 458-464
Publication Date Nov/Dec 1997
Abstract In March of 1997, the National Research Council (NRC) of the National Academy of Sciences issued the report, "For the Record: Protecting Electronic Health Information." Concluding that the current practices at the majority of health care facilities in the United States are insufficient, the Council delineated both technical and organizational approaches to protecting electronic health information. The Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center recently implemented a proof-of-concept, Web-based, cross-institutional medical record, CareWeb, which incorporates the NRC security and confidentiality recommendations. We report on our WWW implementation of the NRC recommendations and an initial evaluation of the balance between ease of use and confidentiality.

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