Title The effect of 10 : 1 compression and soft copy interpretation on the chest radiographs of premature neonates with reference to their possible application in teleradiology
Author(s) Parisi SB, Mogel GT, Dominguez R, Dao H, Cramer TJ
Source Eur Radiol 1998;8(1):141-3, Vol. 8, No. 1, Pages 141-143
Publication Date 1998
Abstract The aim of the study was to assess the potential application of teleradiology in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) by ascertaining whether any decrease in conspicuity of anatomic detail or interventional devices in the chest radiographs of premature infants is caused by picture archiving and communication system (PACS)-based soft copy interpretation of 10 : 1 compressed images. One hundred digital chest radiographs of low-birthweight infants were obtained in the NICU using a storage phosphor system. Laser-printed images were interpreted and the data set for each radiograph was then irreversibly compressed by a 10 : 1 ratio. Four radiologists with extensive PACS experience used a five-point grading system to score laser-printed hard copy images for the visibility of six parameters of anatomic landmarks and interventional devices in the chest. Compressed soft copy images displayed on 2K PACS workstation were subsequently scored using the same approach. Statistical manipulation demonstrated no loss of anatomic detail in five of the six parameters scored, with minimal difference in one landmark, the retrocardiac lung assessment. While further study is required to assess the clinical impact of the variance noted when evaluating lung parameters, the preservation or improvement of information in the remaining parameters following irreversible compression and soft copy interpretation is promising for the potential use of teleradiology in this population.

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