These photos were taken at Harlem Hospital in New York around 1940. They were published in Morris Gleich's 1942 book "The Premature Infant."
Above: "A corner of the newborn nursery kept at 80° F. Note the electrically heated bassinette; incubators kept in Fowler position. Each infant is supplied with its own table containing all necessary utensils. The infant does not leave this unit until it is 'graduated' to the second unit which is kept at 72° F. for heavier infants."
Above: "Administering oxygen. The forked, metal nasal tip (Bullowa) has served us well for oxygen administration. It is kept in place by a strip of adhesive. The other end of the rubber tube is attached to the oxygen tank."
Above: "Technique of transfusion. We use a scalp vein with success. Care must be taken not to introduce blood too rapidly since it may escape into surrounding tissues."
Above: "Portable incubator used to transport premature infant from its home to the hospital. It measures 18 1/2 inches long, 14 inches wide and 13 inches high. Note the oxygen tank in the lowest compartment; the cover which slides in over the infant; and the thermometer in the infant's section."