Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, New York, 1901

(Image by Susan Eck)

One of the advances in medical science on display at the Pan-American Exposition was the infant incubator. For ten cemts admission, the curious could enter this imposing building and see premature infants who were cared for here during the exposition. The exhibit received a great deal of national attention and was discussed in articles in Cosmopolitan and Scientific American. This was Martin Couney's second major endeavor in the United States (his first was at the Trans-Mississipi Exposition in Omaha, Nebraska, 1898).

"This exhibit is housed in the brick structure which is the next east of the Service building. In it is a complete plant, such as is used in the rearing of infants. Many new and original devices are here illustrated, and not only in novelty but from an instructive point of view is the exhibit interesting."

The Lion Incubators used at this exhibition were made of metal and glass. The babies were fed and cleaned every two hours. More details about the exhibit can be found in 1901 articles from Pediatrics and Scientific American. Interesting articles can also be found on Susan Eck's Pan American Exhibition web site ( and the University of Buffalo web site.

Photos by C. D. Arnold
Source: The Pan-American Exposition Illustrated, Buffalo, New York, 1901.

Created 1/29/1999 / Last modified 9/26/2005
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