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Scottish National Exhibition, 1908

Scottish National Exhibition, 1908

Scottish National Exhibition, Edinburgh, 1908 Date: 1908

The Scottish National Exhibition in Saughton Park, Edinburgh, ran for only six months, opening on May 1 1908 and closing on October 31, 1908. Admission was 10 shillings 6 pence (roughly $20 in today’s dollars, adjusted for inflation) and 3.5 million people visited the Exhibition.

The fair included an Incubator Baby Institute, as did many exhibitions of that era, which appears to have used the Lion incubators and was directed by M. Ehrlich.

Above: Not much is known about M. Ehrlich and his Baby Incubator Institute, but he may have worked with Dr. Alexandre Lion, definitely used his incubators, and is known to have managed multiple incubator exhibits, including Liege in 1905 and Edinburgh in 1908.

Above: A map of the exhibition.

Above: Listing of the incubator exhibit, from the catalog, courtesy of Brian Duncan. “404 – M. Ehrlick [sic], Baby Incubator Institute.”

Last Updated on 01/08/23