Neonatology on the Web

Neonatology Timeline

Neonatology Timeline

This timeline lists prominent names, accomplishments, and events in the history of newborn medicine. There is no central organizing principle except for some relationship to the care of fetuses and neonates. Occasionally, events are included from mainstream medicine or science if they have a significant impact on the work of caregivers for infants.

Many thanks to Dr. Tonse N. K. Raju and Drs. Thijs Gras, who reviewed the timeline for accuracy and contributed many valuable additions to the timeline. Contributions by Tomasz Sioda are also appreciated.

Note: The dates on the timeline have been gleaned from a variety of sources and are correct to the best of our knowledge, but you should always refer to primary sources for academic purposes. Corrections and suggestions are always welcome. Please send email about this timeline to

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  • Giuseppe Liceti, a surgeon working in Rapallo (near Genoa); his son was born on the 3rd of October 1577 and named ‘Fortunio.’

Last Updated on 03/23/24