Computers in the NICU

Web-Based Calculators
- Extreme Prematurity Outcome Calculator (NICHD)
- Bilirubin Management Guide at
- Neonatology Calculators at MDApp
- Neonatology Calculators at Pediatric OnCall
- Adjusted Age Calculator at NICHD
- Neonatal Resuscitation Drug Calculator at CEHO ED Outreach
- NICU Tools from Dr. Michael Hewson, New Zealand
- Quick Drip Calculator for neonates from CSMC (Javascript)
- Quick IV Calculator for neonates from CSMC (Javascript)
- Low Flow Oxygen FiO2 Calculator by Dr. Michael Hewson, New Zealand
- Clinical Calculators by Charles Hu
- Neonatal Infusion Calculators by Denis Azzopardi
- Clinical Calculators at
- Medical Calculators at
- Medical Calculators from Supermagnus Software
- NICU Calculators from Starship Hospital, New Zealand
- Neonatal Worksheet by Jubal John, Royal Women’s Hospital Melbourne
- Neonatal Early-Onset Sepsis Calculator from Kaiser
- Neonatal Resuscitation Drug Calculator from CHEO
- Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Drug Infusion Calculator from CHEO
- Neonatal Seizure Drug Calculator from CHEO
- Adjusted Age Calculator by Lucja Zaborowska MD
- PediTools from Joseph Chou including growth calculators, growth charts, gestational age, and more
- Newborn Weight Tool (NEWT) from Penn State Health Children’s Hospital
- Neonatology Calculators and Algorithms from MDApp
- Premie BiliRecs from Stanford
- Clinical Decision Support Tools for the NICU from Stanford
Other Useful Calculators
- Acid-Base Tutorial
- Medical Algorithms Project
- Neodosis (updated 8/27/2007) Calculators for Neonatology by Albert Balaguer (in Microsoft Excel format)
- Bilirubin Management using AAP Guidelines [Spanish] by Albert Balaguer (in Microsoft Excel format)
Downloadable Growth Charts
- Growth Chart for Ages 0-3 years in Excel
- Growth Chart for Ages 2-20 years in Excel
- Babson/Benda Growth Curve in Excel, from Rob Stavis
Systems and Products for NICU Care
- Crib Notes
- Neodata and Neonatal Notes Manager from Isoprime Corporation
- PediNotes
Computer Applications at the Dawn of the Modern NICU Era
(These papers are from the Proceedings of the First National Conference on Perinatal Data Systems held at the Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, in September 1980.)
- Duncan RG and Pomerance JJ: Computer Assistance in the Delivery of Patient Care in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
- Frayer WW: A Dedicated Minicomputer System for Information Management in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
- Heldt GP, Targett RC, McIlroy MB: A Microcomputer-Based Data Acquisition System for Physiologic Studies of the Newborn
- Janik DS, Sharp EM: A Practical NICU Computer System – the Cetus System 100
- Lindstrom DP, Rojas J, Cotton RB: Using Neonatal Data: Signal Processing and Historical Models
- Lindstrom DP, Cotton RB: Computer-Assisted Neonatal Data Base Designed Primarily for Clinical Research
- Perlstein PH, Edwards NK, Atherton HD, Hermansen MC: Computer-Assisted Environmental Control for Newborns
- Poland RL, Cummings GD: Computer-Generated Neonatal Discharge Summary Letter
Miscellaneous Resources
- COCIT – Council on Clinical Information Technology, American Academy of Pediatrics
- Cochrane Neonatal
- Neonatal Research Network (NRN)
- Vermont-Oxford Network
Last Updated on 08/31/24