Neonatology on the Web

Retrolental Fibroplasia: A Modern Parable – Appendix C

Retrolental Fibroplasia: A Modern Parable – Appendix C

The cooperating hospitals were:

Abington Memorial Hospital, Abington, PA

Baltimore City Hospital, Baltimore, MD

Boston Lying-In Hospital, Boston, MA

Cooper Hospital, Camden, NJ

Bob Roberts Memorial Hospital, Chicago, IL

Michael Reese Hospital, Chicago, IL

Cincinnati General Hospital, Cincinnati, OH

Babies and Children’s Hospital, Cleveland, OH

Children’s Hospital, Columbus, OH

Charity Hospital, New Orleans, LA

Babies Hospital, New York, NY

Bellevue Hospital, New York, NY

New York Hospital, New York, NY

Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA

Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia, PA

Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA

Elizabeth Steel Magee Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA

Walter Reed Army Hospital, Washington, DC

The study was supported by funds supplied by the National Institute for Neurological Diseases and Blindness, the National Foundation for Eye Research (Boston), and the National Society for the Prevention of Blindness.

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Last Updated on 02/28/24