Classic Books and Articles On-Line

Classic Books and Articles in Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine (Sorted by Author)
- AAP Historical Archives Advisory Committee: American Pediatrics: Milestones at the Millenium
from Pediatrics, June, 2001.
- AAP Perinatal Section Ad Hoc Committee on Perinatal History: Martin Couney’s Story Revisited, 1997. Reproduced by permission of Pediatrics.
- Administration générale de l’Assistance publique à Paris, Hôpital de la Maternité, 1903. Scanned version. Source: / National Library of France.
- Adriance, Vanderpoel: Premature Infants, 1901.
- Allin, Frank W.: The Baby-Tents of Chicago, 1911.
- Annan, R.: Case of a Child Born Betwixt the End of the Sixth and Middle of the Seventh Month and Brought Up, 1848.
- Apgar, Virginia: A Proposal for a New Method of Evaluation of the Newborn Infant, 1953.
- Arrault: Abrégé Historique de l’Etablissement de l’Hôpital des Enfans-Trouvés
, 1746.
- Auvard, A.: De La Couveuse Pour Enfants, 1883.
- Auvard, A.: Nouvelle Couveuse Pour Enfants, 1889.
(Scan of original article)
- Avery, Mary Ellen and Mead, Jere: Surface properties in relation to atelectasis and hyaline membrane disease, 1959.
- Bachoué, L.: Les Couveuses pour Enfants a la Maternité, L’Illustration Journal Universel, Paris, January 2, 1897
- Baines, M. A.: Excessive Infant-Mortality: How Can It Be Stayed?, 1862.
- Ballantyne, J. W.: The Problem of the Premature Infant, 1902.
- Bar, Paul: Le Professeur S. Tarnier, 1828-1897, 1897. Source: / National Library of France.
- Bartlett, John: The Warming-Crib (scanned original), The Warning Crib (transcribed version), Chicago Medical Journal and Examiner, May 1887.
- Baumes, Thimotée: Traité de l’Ictère ou Jaunisse des Enfants de Naissance [Treatise on Icterus or Jaundice of the Newborn]
, 1806.
- Berthod, Paul: La Couveuse et le Gavage a la Maternité de Paris [The Incubator and Gavage Feeds
at the Paris Maternity Hospital], Thesis version, 1887. - Berthod, Paul: La Couveuse et le Gavage a la Maternité de Paris [The Incubator and Gavage Feeds at the Paris Maternity Hospital], 1887. Book version. Source: / National Library of France.
- Bettmann, Henry W.: Premature Labor and the New-Born Child, 1892.
- Bizzell, W. D.: Prolonged Asphyxia in the New-Born Infant, 1885.
- Blacker, G. F.: The Care and Feeding of Premature Infants, 1898.
- Blackfan, Kenneth D.: Apparatus for Collecting Infants’ Blood for the Wassermann Reaction, 1912.
- Bonnaire: Des Inhalations d’Oxygène chez les Nouveau-Nés [Inhalations of Oxygen by the New-Born]
, Journal de Médecine de Paris, pp. 312-314, June 28, 1891.
- Brandt, J. Egerton: The Children’s Incubator, 1895.
- Brisbane, Arthur: The Incubator Baby and Niagara Falls, 1901.
- Brown, Alan and George, Ruggles: The Care and Feeding of the Premature Infant, 1917.
- Brown, Edward J.: A New Baby Incubator, 1892.
- Budin, Pierre: Le Professeur Tarnier
, Le Progrès Médical Paris, pp. 289-293, May 7, 1898.
- Budin, Pierre: Le Nourrisson, Paris, 1900 [French]
- Budin, Pierre: The Nursling, authorized English translation of 1907, text document.
- Budin, Pierre: The Nursling, authorized English translation of 1907, scanned document. Source: Wellcome Collection.
- Budin, Pierre: Les Consultations de Nourrisons, 1905. Source: / National Library of France.
- Budin, Pierre: La Mortalité Infantile dans les Bouches-du-Rhone, 1907. Source: / National Library of France.
- Budin, Pierre: De l’Embryotomie sur l’Enfant Vivant, Source: / National Library of France. 1906.
- Budin, Pierre: Étude sur la Mortalité de la Première Enfance, 1904. Source: / National Library of France.
- Budin, Pierre: Service des Enfants Débiles a la Maternité, Année 1895-1897, 1896-1899. Source: / National Library of France.
- Budin, Pierre: Statistique de la Maternité de Paris, 1898. Source: / National Library of France.
- Budin, Pierre: La Mortalité Infantile de 0 à 1 an, 1903. Source: / National Library of France.
- Budin, Pierre: Statistique de la Maternité de Paris, du 1er janvier 1895 au 28 février 1898, 1898. Source: / National Library of France.
- Budin, Pierre: Traitement prophylactique de l’ophtalmie des nouveaux-nés, par le nitrate d’argent en solution faible, à 1 pour 150, 1895. Source: / National Library of France.
- Butler, Ellis Parker: The Incubator Baby, 1906.
- Cadogan, William: An Essay upon Nursing and the Management of Children, from their Birth to Three Years of Age, Third Edition, 1749.
- Cameron, Glenhill: Quick, Another Baby’s Here!, Colliers, 1950.
- Chapin, H. D.: The Rearing of Premature Children by Means of Incubators, 1900.
- Chapple, Charles C.: An Incubator for Infants, 1938.
- Chavasse, Pye Henry: Advice to a mother on the management of her children and on the treatment on the moment of some of their more pressing illnesses and accidents, 1880.
- Ciaudo, Joseph: La Maternité “Lion de Nice” pour enfants nés avant terme ou débiles, 1895. Source: / National Library of France.
- Coffin, A. I.: Treatment of the Child, from Treatise on Midwifery, 1878.
- Conyers, Richard: De Morbis Infantum
, 1729.
- Cragin, Edwin B.: The Sloane Hospital Incubator, 1914.
- Crandall, Floyd M: Hospitalism, 1897.
- Credé, Carl Siegmund Franz: Ueber Erwärmungsgeräthe für frühgeborene und schwächliche kleine Kinder, Archiv für Gynäkologie 24:128-147, 1884. Source: Google Books.
- Credé, Carl Siegmund Franz: Ueber Erwärmungsgeräthe für frühgeborene und schwächliche kleine Kinder, Archiv für Gynäkologie 24:128-147, 1884. German, transcribed from the scanned article for readability.
- Credé, Carl Siegmund Franz: [Concerning warming devices for prematures and feeble tiny children], Archiv für Gynäkologie 24:128-147, 1884. English with an assist from Google Translate
- Credé, Carl Siegmund Franz: Die Verhütung der Ausgenentzuendung der Neugeborenen [The prevention of inflammation of the newborn], 1881.
- Darwall, John: Plain Instructions for the Management of Infants, 1830.
- Davis, John Bunnell: A Cursory Inquiry Into Some of the Principal Causes of Mortality Among Children, 1817.
- De Lee, Joseph B.: Asphyxia Neonatorum: Causation and Treatment, 1897.
- De Lee, Joseph B.: Infant Incubation, with the Presentation of a New Incubator and a Description of the System at the Chicago Lying-In Hospital, 1902.
- Denucé, Jean-Louis-Paul: Berceau incubateur pour les enfants nés avant terme [Incubating cradle for children born before term], Journal de Médicine de Bordeaux, December, 1857. With English translation.
- Denucé, Jean-Louis-Paul: Berceau incubateur pour les enfants nés avant terme [Incubating cradle for children born before term], Journal de Médicine de Bordeaux, December, 1857. (scanned original)
- Diffre, Dr.: Présentation de la Couveuse-Berceau, 1898. Source: / National Library of France.
- Diffre, Dr.: Nouveau Système de Couveuse pour les Nouveau-Nés, 1890. Source: / National Library of France.
- Dobbs, R.H. and Cremer, R. J.: Phototherapy, 1975.
- von Doepp, Ph.: Bemerkungen über einige Krankheiten der Säuglinge [Remarks about several illnesses of babies]
, 1835.
- Down, J. Langdon H.: Observations on an Ethnic Classification of Idiots, 1866.
- Dunham, Ethel C.: Premature Infants: A Manual for Physicians, 1948.
- Durham, Roger: Notes on the Care of Premature Infants, 1912.
- Dubowitz, Lilly et al: Clinical Assessment of Gestational Age in the Newborn, 1970.
- Editors, Maternal and Child Welfare, London: Pierre Budin and His Work, 1918.
- Editors, Buffalo Evening Journal: Three Tiny Girls in the Incubators, Pan-American Exposition, 1901.
- Editors, Buffalo Express: Twelve at the Exposition, Pan-American Exposition, 1901.
- Editors, Buffalo Medical Journal: Some Medical Aspects of the Pan-American Exposition: Infant Incubators, 1901.
- Editors, Le Monde Illustré, Paris: Les nouvelles couveuses pour enfants [The new incubators for infants], 1884.
- Editors, Occidental Medical Times, Mme. Henri’s Couveuse Department at the Paris Maternité, 1894.
- Editors, Pediatrics: Exhibit of Infant Incubators at the Pan-American Exhibition, 1901.
- Editors, Pediatrics: Exhibit of Infant Incubators at the Pan-American Exposition, 1901.
- Editors, Scientific American: Baby Incubators at the Pan-American Exposition, 1901.
- Editors, The Illustrated London News: Incubators for Infants, 1884.
- Editors, The Lancet: The Couvreuse, or Mechanical Nurse, 1883.
- Editors, The Lancet: The Victorian Era Exhibition at Earl’s Court, 1897.
- Editors, The Lancet: The Use of Incubators for Infants, 1897.
- Editors, The Lancet: The Danger of Making a Public Show of Incubators for Babies, 1898.
- Editors, The Lancet: Immature Infants in France, January 16, 1897, page 196.
- Editors, The Literary Digest: Lion Incubators, 1898.
- Editors, The Manufacturer and Builder: Artificial Child Incubation, 1883.
- Editors, The Minneapolis Journal: The Incubator Babies at Wonderland Park, May 20, 1905.
- Editors, The Minneapolis Journal: Wonderland Park is Well Opened, May 29, 1905.
- Editors, The New York Times: A Wee Child in an Incubator, 1891.
- Editors, The Family Circle, Beginner’s Luck (Martin Couney at the NY World’s Fair), 1939
- Editors, Gazette Médicale de Paris: Les Couveuses pour Enfants, Vol. 11 No. 3, 1900.
- Énault, Louis: “La Maternité Lion,” Journal of the Bordeaux Exposition,1895
- Entz, Mlle.: Consultations de Nourrissons, thesis, 1900
- Eustache, G.: Une Nouvelle Couveuse pour Enfants Nouveau-Nés (A New Incubator for Newborn Infants), 1885. As published in Journal des Sciences Médicales de Lille. (scanned pages)
- Eustache, G.: Une Nouvelle Couveuse pour Enfants Nouveau-Nés , 1884. As published as an offprint by Societe Industrielle du Nord de la France. Source: / National Library of France.
- Flagg, Paluel J.: Treatment of Asphyxia in the New-Born, 1928.
- Fullerton, Anna M.: The Ailments of Early Infancy, chapter 11 of A Handbook of Obstetrical Nursing, 1891. Source: Library of Congress.
- Furst, L.: Über Wärmevorrichtungen für zu früh geborene oder lebensschwache Kinder, 1887.
- Gautier, A.: Décès de M. P. Budin [The Death of Professor Budin], 1907.
- Gignoux, Jean: Des avantages au point de vue hospitalier de la chambre couveuse, installée a la Charité de Lyon, 1898. Source: / National Library of France.
- Gluck, Louis: Perspectives in Perinatology, Present and Future, 1974
- Godson, Clement: Hearson’s Thermostatic Nurse, Illustrated London News, April 12, 1894.
- Gould, George M. and Pyle, Walter L.: Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine, 1900.
- Graham, Edwin E.: Infant Mortality, 1908.
- Green, Robert M. and Swift, John B.: Hemorrhagic Disease of the Newborn, 1911.
- Gross, Robert E., and Hubbard, John P.: Surgical Ligation of a Patent Ductus Arteriosus, 1939.
- Hahn, Camille: Des Prématurés: Caractéres, Pronostic, Traitement, 1901.
- Harris, Walter: De Morbis Acutis Infantum, 1689 (this printing is from 1720, Latin version) Source: Wellcome Collection.
- Harris, Walter: De Morbis Acutis Infantum, translated into English as An Exact Inquiry into the Diseases of Infants by William Cockburn in 1693, this printing is from 1694. Source: Internet Archive.
- Halstead, Murat: See the Incubator Babies, 1904.
- Helmholz, Henry F.: The Longitudinal Sinus as the Place of Preference in Infancy for Intravenous Aspirations and Injections, Including Transfusion, 1915.
- Henderson, Yandell: The Prevention and Treatment of Asphyxia in the New-Born, 1928.
- Hendrick, Burton J.: Solving the Problem of Infant Mortality, 1917.
- Henry, M.: Fondation du pavilion des enfantes débiles à la Maternité de Paris [Foundation of the Pavilion of Sick Infants at the Maternity of Paris]
, Revue des Maladies de l’Enfance, Vol. 15, pp. 142-154, 1908. (French)
- Henry, M.: Fondation du pavilion des enfantes débiles à la Maternité de Paris [Foundation of the Pavilion of Sick Infants at the Maternity of Paris] , Revue des Maladies de l’Enfance, Vol. 15, pp. 142-154, 1908. (English translation)
- Hess, Julius H.: A Study of the Caloric Needs of Premature Infants, 1911.
- Hess, Julius H.: An Electric-Heated Water-Jacketed Infant Incubator and Bed, 1915.
- Hess, Julius H.: Premature and Congenitally Diseased Infants, 1922. Text document.
- Hess, Julius H.: Premature and Congenitally Diseased Infants, 1922. Scanned book. Source: Google Books.
- Hess, Julius H: Infant Feeding: A Handbook for the Practitioner, 1924.
- Hess, Julius H.: Heated Bed for Transportation of Premature Infants, 1923.
- Hess, Julius H.: Oxygen Unit for Premature and Very Young Infants, 1934.
- Hess, Julius H. and Lundeen, Evelyn C.: The Premature Infant, Its Medical and Nursing Care, 1941.
- Hess, Julius H.: Chicago Plan for Care of Premature Infants, 1951.
- Hess, Julius H.: Experiences Gained in a Thirty-Year Study of Prematurely Born Infants, 1953.
- Holt, L. Emmett: The Scope and Limitations of Hospitals for Infants, 1898.
- Holt, L. Emmett: Infant Mortality, Ancient and Modern, An Historical Sketch, 1913.
- Hold, L. Emmett: Diseases of Infancy and Childhood, 1898.
- Huenekens, E. J.: Care of the New-Born in the First Weeks of Life, 1923.
- Jacobi, Abraham: The Best Means of Combating Infant Mortality, 1912.
- Jacobi, Abraham: Infant Feeding – A Review, 1896.
- Jennings, O.: An Improved System of Incubators, 1896.
- Keating, John M.: Infant Feeding, 1884.
- La Fetra, L. E.: The Hospital Care of Premature Infants, 1916.
- La Huerta, R. Mainar: Incubadoras para Criaturas [Maternité Lion in Barcelona], 1902.
- Lambert, Samuel W.: Melaena Neonatorum with Report of a Case Cured by Transfusion, 1908.
- Liebling, A. J.: Patron of the Preemies, 1939. Reprinted by the permission of Russell & Volkening as agents for the author. Copyright © 1939 by A. J. Liebling, copyright renewed 1967 by Norma Stonehill.
- Little, W. J.: On the Influence of Abnormal Parturition, Difficult Labours, Premature Birth, and Asphyxia Neonatorum, on the Mental and Physical Condition of the Child, Especially in Relation to Deformities, 1861.
- Litzenberg, Jennings C.: The Care of Premature Infants, with Special Reference to the Use of Home-Made Incubators, 1908.
- Losty, Margaret A. et al: A Transport Service for Premature Babies in New York City, American Journal of Nursing, 1950.
- Ludwig, C. and Schultze, B. S.: Der Scheintod Neugeborener, 1871.
- Lyons, John A.: Incubators and Milk Laboratory Feeding, 1897.
- Maillart, Hector: “Quelques Réflexions sur le Fonctionnement et les Résultats des Couveuses Lion pendant l’Exposition Nationale,” Revue Médicale de La Suisse Romande, 1896.
- Marfan, A. (Editor): Le Nourrisson, Revue d’Hygiéne et de Pathologie de las Premiér Enfance, 1924
- Maygrier, Charles: Les consultations des nourrissons, 1903. Source: / National Library of France. (French)
- McClanahan, H. M.: Management of Delicate and Premature Infants in the Home, 1914.
- Minot, Francis: On Hemorrhage from the Umbilicus in New-born Infants, with an Analysis of Forty-six Cases, 1852.
- de Montgolfier, Casati: Enfants Prématurés – Leur puériculture par des couveuses publiques, 1913.
- Morse, John Lovett: A Study of the Caloric Needs of Premature Infants, 1904.
- Morse, John Lovett: The Care and Feeding of Premature Infants, 1905.
- O’Brien, H.R. and Murphy, Marion I.: A County Program for the Care of Prematures, American Journal of Public Health, January, 1941.
- Pascaud, V.: La Couveuse Artificielle chez les Nouveau-Nés, Paris, 1899. Source: National Library of Medicine microfilm.
- Pemell, Robert: De Morbis Puerorum, or, A Treatise of the Diseases of Children, 1653.
- Phaire, Thomas: The Boke of Chyldren, 1545.
- Pinard, M. A.: Tarnier Memorium with photos and obituary, 1898.
- Pinard, M. A.: Presentation d’Appareil (describing the Lion incubator), 1893. Source:
- Portes, L.: Éloge du professeur Adophe Pinard (1844-1934), 1943. Source: / National Library of France. (French)
- Queirolo, César-A: Les couveuses d’enfant et le gavage, 1897.
- Ransom, S. W.: The Care of Premature and Feeble Infants, 1898.
- Roberton, John: Observations on the Mortality and Physical Management of Children, 1827. Source: Wellcome Collection.
- Rotch, T. M.: A Description of a New Incubator, 1893.
- Rotch, T. M.: Pediatrics: The Hygienic and Medical Treatment of Children, 1895.
- Sadler, S. H.: Infant Feeding by Artificial Means, Second Edition, 1896.
- Sadler, S. H.: Infant Feeding by Artificial Means, Third Edition, 1909.
- Sidbury, J. Buren: Transfusion through the Umbilical Vein in Hemorrhage of the New-Born, 1923.
- Silverman, William A.: Incubator-Baby Side Shows, 1979. Reproduced by permission of Pediatrics.
- Silverman, William A.: Postscript to Incubator-Baby Side Shows, 1980. Reproduced by permission of Pediatrics.
- Silverman, William A.: Retrolental Fibroplasia: A Modern Parable, 1980.
- Smellie, William: Of the Management of new-born Children, with the Diseases to which they are subject, from A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Midwifery, Volume I, Fourth Edition, 1762.
- Smith, Eustache: On the Wasting Diseases of Infants and Children, 1885.
- Smith, George F. and Vidyasagar, Dharmapuri (Ed): Historical Review and Recent Advances in Neonatal and Perinatal Medicine, 1980.
- Smith, James Walter: Baby Incubators, 1896.
- Sobel, Jacob: Antenatal and Neonatal Protection of the Infant, 1926.
- Starr, Louis: Hygiene of the Nursery, 2nd edition, 1889.
- Stuart, Francis H.: De Lion Incubator at Low Maternity Hospital, 1901.
- Tarnier, S.: Des soins à donner aux enfants nés avant terme, 1885. (French)
- Tarnier, S.: Des soins à donner aux enfants nés avant terme, 1885. (English via Google Translate)
- Tarnier, S.: Des soins à donner aux enfants nés avant terme, 1885. Source: / National Library of France. (French)
- Tarnier, S., Budin, P., Chantreuil, J.: Allaitement et Hygiène des Enfants Nouveau-Nés: Couveuse et Gavage, 1888. Source: Wellcome Collection.
- Taylor, Wm. H.: Some Points in Relation to Premature Children, 1887.
- Thoms, Herbert: An Efficient and Inexpensive Incubator, 1919.
- Tidy, C. Meymott: On Human Milk, 1868.
- Townsend, Charles W. The Haemorrhagic Disease of the New-Born
, 1894.
- Underwood, Michael: A Treatise on the Diseases of Children, 1784. Source: Wellcome Library.
- Underwood, Michael: A Treatise on the Diseases of Children, Revised and Expanded (2 volumes) 1789. Source: Wellcome Library.
- Ungaro, V.: Budin, 1907.
- Voorhees, James D.: The Care of Premature Babies in Incubators, 1900.
- Waterman, S.: Revivification, 1883.
- Winckel, F.: Über Anwendung permanenter Bäder bei Neugeborenen, 1882.
- Winckel, F.: On the Use of a Constant Bath for New-Born Children, 1884 [English abstract].
- Zahorsky, John: The Baby Incubators on the “Pike,” published in 9 installments, 1905.
- Zahorsky, John: The Worlds Fair, excerpt from his autobiography, 1949.
Classic Papers in Neonatal Medicine (Sorted by Date)
- De Morbis Puerorum, or, A Treatise of the Diseases of Children, by Robert Pemell, 1653.
- De Morbis Infantum
, by Richard Conyers, 1729.
- Abrégé Historique de l’Etablissement de l’Hôpital des Enfans-Trouvés
, by M. Arrault, 1746.
- An Essay upon Nursing and the Management of Children, from their Birth to Three Years of Age, Third Edition, by William Cadogan, 1749.
- Traité de l’Ictère ou Jaunisse des Enfants de Naissance [Treatise on Icterus or Jaundice of the Newborn] by Baumes, Thimotée, 1806.
- A Cursory Inquiry Into Some of the Principal Causes of Mortality Among Children, by John Bunnell Davis, 1817.
- Plain Instructions for the Management of Infants, by John Darwall, 1830.
- Bemerkungen über einige Krankheiten der Säuglinge
[Remarks about several illnesses of babies], by Ph. von Doepp, 1835.
- Case of a Child Born Betwixt the End of the Sixth and Middle of the Seventh Month and Brought Up, by R. Annan, 1848.
- On Hemorrhage from the Umbilicus in New-born Infants, with an Analysis of Forty-six Cases, by Francis Minot, 1852.
- Berceau incubateur pour les enfants nés avant terme [Incubating cradle for children born before term], by Jean-Louis-Paul Denucé, Journal de Médicine de Bordeaux, December, 1857. With English translation.
- Berceau incubateur pour les enfants nés avant terme [Incubating cradle for children born before term], by Jean-Louis-Paul Denucé, Journal de Médicine de Bordeaux, December, 1857. (scanned original)
- On the Influence of Abnormal Parturition, Difficult Labours, Premature Birth, and Asphyxia Neonatorum, on the Mental and Physical Condition of the Child, Especially in Relation to Deformities, by W. J. Little, 1861.
- Excessive Infant-Mortality: How Can It Be Stayed? by M. A. Baines, 1862.
- Observations on an Ethnic Classification of Idiots, by J. Langdon H. Down, 1866.
- On Human Milk, by C. Meymott Tidy, 1868.
- Der Scheintod Neugeborener, by C. Ludwig and B. S. Schultze, 1871.
- Advice to a mother on the management of her children and on the treatment on the moment of some of their more pressing illnesses and accidents, by Pye Henry Chavasse, 1880.
- Die Verhütung der Ausgenentzuendung der Neugeborenen [The prevention of inflammation of the newborn], by Credé, Carl Siegmund Franz, 1881.
- Über Anwendung permanenter Bäder bei Neugeborenen, by Franz Winckel, 1882.
- De La Couveuse Pour Enfants, by A. Auvard, 1883.
- Revivification, by S. Waterman, 1883.
- The Couvreuse, or Mechanical Nurse, from The Lancet, 1883.
- Artificial Child Incubation, from The Manufacturer and Builder, 1883.
- Les nouvelles couveuses pour enfants [The new incubators for infants], from Le Monde Illustré, Paris, 1884.
- Incubators for Infants, from The Illustrated London News, 1884.
- On the Use of a Constant Bath for New-Born Children, by F. Winckel, 1884 [English abstract].
- Ueber Erwärmungsgeräthe für frühgeborene und schwächliche kleine Kinder [Concerning warming devices for prematures and feeble tiny children], by Carl Siegmund Franz Credé, Archiv für Gynäkologie 24:128-147, 1884. Source: Google Books.
- Credé, Carl Siegmund Franz: Ueber Erwärmungsgeräthe für frühgeborene und schwächliche kleine Kinder, Archiv für Gynäkologie 24:128-147, 1884. German, transcribed from the scanned article for readability.
- [Concerning warming devices for prematures and feeble tiny children], by Carl Siegmund Franz Credé, Archiv für Gynäkologie 24:128-147, 1884. English with an assist from Google Translate
- Infant Feeding, by John M. Keating, 1884.
- Hearson’s Thermostatic Nurse, Illustrated London News, April 12, 1894.
- Une Nouvelle Couveuse pour Enfants Nouveau-Nés , by G. Eustache, 1884. As published as an offprint by Societe Industrielle du Nord de la France. Source: / National Library of France.
- Des soins à donner aux enfants nés avant terme, by S. Tarnier, 1885. (French)
- Des soins à donner aux enfants nés avant terme, by S. Tarnier, 1885. (English via Google Translate)
- Des soins à donner aux enfants nés avant terme, by S. Tarnier, 1885. Source: / National Library of France. (French)
- Une Nouvelle Couveuse pour Enfants Nouveau-Nés [A New Incubator for Newborn Infants], by G. Eustache, 1885. As published in Journal des Sciences Médicales de Lille. (scanned pages)
- Prolonged Asphyxia in the New-Born Infant, by W. D. Bizzell, 1885.
- La Couveuse et le Gavage a la Maternité de Paris [The Incubator and Gavage Feeds
at the Paris Maternity Hospital], by Paul Berthod, Thesis version, 1887. - La Couveuse et le Gavage a la Maternité de Paris [The Incubator and Gavage Feeds at the Paris Maternity Hospital], by Paul Berthod, 1887. Book version. Source: / National Library of France.
- The Warming-Crib (scanned original), The Warning Crib (transcribed version), by John Bartlett, Chicago Medical Journal and Examiner, May 1887.
- Some Points in Relation to Premature Children, by Wm. H. Taylor, 1887.
- Über Wärmevorrichtungen für zu früh geborene oder lebensschwache Kinder, by L. Furst, 1887.
- Artificial Mother for Infants, Scientific American Supplement, April 28, 1888.
- Allaitement et Hygiène des Enfants Nouveau-Né: Couveuse et Gavage, by S.Tarnier, P. Budin, and J. Chantreuil, 1888. Source: Wellcome Collection.
- Nouvelle Couveuse Pour Enfants, by A. Auvard, 1889. Source: / National Library of France.
- Diffre, Dr.: Nouveau Système de Couveuse pour les Nouveau-Nés, by Dr. Diffre, 1890. Source: / National Library of France.
- Des Inhalations d’Oxygène chez les Nouveau-Nés [Inhalations of Oxygen by the New-Born], by Bonnaire, Journal de Médecine de Paris, pp. 312-314, June 28, 1891. Source: / National Library of France.
- A Wee Child in an Incubator, The New York Times, 1891.
- A New Baby Incubator, by Edward J. Brown, 1892.
- Premature Labor and the New-Born Child, by Henry W. Bettmann, 1892.
- A Description of a New Incubator, by T. M. Rotch, 1893.
- Presentation d’Appareil (describing the Lion incubator), by M. Pinard, 1893. Source:
- The Haemorrhagic Disease of the New-Born, by Charles W. Townsend, MD, 1894.
- Mme. Henri’s Couveuse Department at the Paris Maternité, Occidental Medical Times,1894
- The Children’s Incubator, by J. Egerton Brandt, 1895.
- La Maternité “Lion de Nice” pour enfants nés avant terme ou débiles, by Joseph Ciaudo, 1895. Source: / National Library of France.
- Traitement prophylactique de l’ophtalmie des nouveaux-nés, par le nitrate d’argent en solution faible, à 1 pour 150, by Pierre Budin, 1895. Source: / National Library of France.
- “La Maternité Lion,” by Louis Énault, Journal of the Bordeaux Exposition, 1895
- “Quelques Réflexions sur le Fonctionnement et les Résultats des Couveuses Lion pendant l’Exposition Nationale,” by Dr. Hector Maillart, Revue Médicale de La Suisse Romande, 1896.
- An Improved System of Incubators, by O. Jennings, 1896.
- Baby Incubators, by James Walter Smith, 1896.
- Infant Feeding – A Review, by Abraham Jacobi,1896.
- Service des Enfants Débiles a la Maternité, Année 1895-1897, by Pierre Budin, 1896-1899. Source: / National Library of France.
- Human Infant Incubation, Leslie’s Weekly, December 9, 1897.
- Incubators and Milk Laboratory Feeding, by John A. Lyons, 1897.
- The Victorian Era Exhibition at Earl’s Court, from The Lancet, 1897.
- The Use of Incubators for Infants, from The Lancet, 1897.
- Immature Infants in France, from The Lancet, January 16, 1897, page 196.
- Asphyxia Neonatorum: Causation and Treatment, by Joseph B. De Lee, 1897.
- Hospitalism, by Floyd M. Crandall, 1897.
- Le Professeur S. Tarnier, 1828-1897, by Paul Bar, 1897. Source: / National Library of France.
- Les couveuses d’enfant et le gavage, by César-A Queirolo, Geneva,1897.
- Les Couveuses pour Enfants a la Maternité, by L. Bachoué, L’Illustration Journal Universel, Paris, January 2, 1897
- Lion Incubators, The Literary Digest, 1898.
- Des avantages au point de vue hospitalier de la chambre couveuse, installée a la Charité de Lyon, by Jean Gignoux, 1898. Source: / National Library of France.
- Le Professeur Tarnier
, by Pierre Budin, Le Progrès Médical Paris, pp. 289-293, May 7, 1898. Source: / National Library of France.
- Statistique de la Maternité de Paris, by Pierre Budin,1898. Source: / National Library of France.
- Présentation de la Couveuse-Berceau, by Dr. Diffre, 1898. Source: / National Library of France.
- Tarnier Memorium with photos and obituary, by M. A. Pinard of the Faculty of Medicine of Paris, 1898. Source: / National Library of France.
- The Care of Premature and Feeble Infants, by S. W. Ransom, 1898.
- The Care and Feeding of Premature Infants, by G. F. Blacker, 1898.
- The Scope and Limitations of Hospitals for Infants, by L. Emmett Holt, 1898.
- Statistique de la Maternité de Paris, du 1er janvier 1895 au 28 février 1898, by Pierre Budin,1898. Source: / National Library of France.
- The Danger of Making a Public Show of Incubators for Babies, Editorial from The Lancet, 1898.
- La Couveuse Artificielle chez les Nouveau-Nés, by V. Pascaud, Paris, 1899. Source: National Library of Medicine microfilm.
- The Rearing of Premature Children by Means of Incubators, by H. D. Chapin, 1900.
- Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine, by George M. Gould and Walter L. Pyle, 1900.
- The Care of Premature Babies in Incubators, James D. Voorhees, 1900.
- Les Couveuses pour Enfants, Editors, Gazette Médicale de Paris:Vol. 11 No. 3, 1900.
- Consultations de Nourrissons, thesis by Mlle. Entz, 1900
- Des Prématurés: Caractéres, Pronostic, Traitement, by Camille Hahn, 1901.
- De Lion Incubator at Low Maternity Hospital, Francis H. Stuart, 1901.
- The Incubator Baby and Niagara Falls, Arthur Brisbane, 1901.
- Some Medical Aspects of the Pan-American Exposition: Infant Incubators, from the Buffalo Medical Journal, 1901.
- Exhibit of Infant Incubators at the Pan-American Exhibition, from Pediatrics, 1901.
- Exhibit of Infant Incubators at the Pan-American Exposition, from Pediatrics,1901.
- Baby Incubators at the Pan-American Exposition, from Scientific American, 1901.
- Three Tiny Girls in the Incubators, Buffalo Evening Journal, 1901.
- Twelve at the Exposition, Buffalo Express, 1901.
- Premature Infants, by Vanderpoel Adriance, 1901.
- Infant Incubation, with the Presentation of a New Incubator and a Description of the System at the Chicago Lying-In Hospital, by Joseph B. De Lee, 1902.
- The Problem of the Premature Infant, by J. W. Ballantyne, 1902.
- Incubadoras para Criaturas [Maternité Lion in Barcelona], by R. Mainar La Huerta,1902.
- La Mortalité Infantile de 0 à 1 an, by Pierre Budin, 1903. Source: / National Library of France.
- Hôpital de la Maternité, Administration générale de l’Assistance publique à Paris, 1903. Scanned version. Source: / National Library of France.
- Les consultations des nourrissons, by Charles Maygrier, 1903. Source: / National Library of France. (French)
- A Study of the Caloric Needs of Premature Infants, by John Lovett Morse, 1904.
- See the Incubator Babies, by Murat Halstead, 1904.
- Étude sur la Mortalité de la Première Enfance, by Pierre Budin,1904.
- The Baby Incubators on the “Pike,” by John Zahorsky, published in 9 installments, 1905.
- Les Consultations de Nourrisons, by Pierre Budin, 1905.
- The Care and Feeding of Premature Infants, by John Lovett Morse, 1905.
- The Incubator Babies at Wonderland Park, The Minneapolis Journal, May 20, 1905.
- Wonderland Park is Well Opened, The Minneapolis Journal, May 29, 1905.
- De l’Embryotomie sur l’Enfant Vivant, by Pierre Budin,1906.
- Décès de M. P. Budin [The Death of Professor Budin], by A. Gautier, 1907.
- La Mortalité Infantile dans les Bouches-du-Rhone, by Pierre Budin, 1907.
- Budin, by V. Ungaro, 1907.
- Fondation du pavilion des enfantes débiles à la Maternité de Paris [Foundation of the Pavilion of Sick Infants at the Maternity of Paris]
, by M. Henry, Revue des Maladies de l’Enfance, Vol. 15, pp. 142-154, 1908.
- Infant Mortality, by Edwin E. Graham, 1908.
- Melaena Neonatorum with Report of a Case Cured by Transfusion, by Samuel W. Lambert, 1908.
- The Care of Premature Infants, with Special Reference to the Use of Home-Made Incubators, by Jennings C. Litzenberg, 1908.
- A Study of the Caloric Needs of Premature Infants, by Julius H. Hess, 1911.
- Hemorrhagic Disease of the Newborn, by Robert M. Green and John B. Swift, 1911.
- The Baby-Tents of Chicago, by Frank W. Allin, 1911.
- The Best Means of Combating Infant Mortality, by Abraham Jacobi, 1912.
- Apparatus for Collecting Infants’ Blood for the Wassermann Reaction, by Kenneth D. Blackfan, 1912.
- Notes on the Care of Premature Infants, by Roger Durham, 1912.
- Infant Mortality, Ancient and Modern, An Historical Sketch, by L. Emmett Holt, 1913.
- Enfants Prématurés – Leur puériculture par des couveuses publiques, by Casati de Montgolfier,1913.
- Management of Delicate and Premature Infants in the Home, by H. M. McClanahan, 1914.
- The Sloane Hospital Incubator, by Edwin Cragin, from JAMA, V63 N11, 1914
- An Electric-Heated Water-Jacketed Infant Incubator and Bed, Julius H. Hess, 1915.
- The Longitudinal Sinus as the Place of Preference in Infancy for Intravenous Aspirations and Injections, Including Transfusion, by Henry F. Helmholz, 1915.
- The Hospital Care of Premature Infants, by L. E. La Fetra, 1916.
- The Care and Feeding of the Premature Infant, by Alan Brown and Ruggles George, 1917.
- Solving the Problem of Infant Mortality, by Burton J. Hendrick, 1917.
- Pierre Budin and His Work, Maternal and Child Welfare, London, 1918.
- An Efficient and Inexpensive Incubator, by Herbert Thoms, 1919.
- Heated Bed for Transportation of Premature Infants, Julius H. Hess, 1923.
- Transfusion through the Umbilical Vein in Hemorrhage of the New-Born, J. Buren Sidbury, 1923.
- Care of the New-Born in the First Weeks of Life, by E. J. Huenekens, 1923.
- Le Nourrisson, Revue d’Hygiéne et de Pathologie de las Premiér Enfance, by A. Marfan (Editor),1924
- Antenatal and Neonatal Protection of the Infant, by Jacob Sobel, 1926.
- The Prevention and Treatment of Asphyxia in the New-Born, by Yandell Henderson, Ph.D., 1928.
- Treatment of Asphyxia in the New-Born, by Paluel J. Flagg, M.D., 1928.
- Oxygen Unit for Premature and Very Young Infants, by Julius H. Hess, 1934.
- Éloge du professeur Adophe Pinard (1844-1934), by L. Portes, 1943. Source: / National Library of France. (French)
- An Incubator for Infants, by Charles C. Chapple, 1938.
- Beginner’s Luck (Martin Couney at the NY World’s Fair), The Family Circle, 1939
- A County Program for the Care of Prematures, by H. R. O’Brien and Marion I. Murphy, American Journal of Public Health, January, 1941.
- Clinical Assessment of Gestational Age in the Newborn, by Lilly M.S. Dubowitz, 1970.
- Clinical Assessment of Gestational Age in the Newborn, by Lilly M.S. Dubowitz, 1970.
- Patron of the Preemies, by A. J. Liebling, 1939. Reprinted by the permission of Russell & Volkening as agents for the author. Copyright © 1939 by A. J. Liebling, copyright renewed 1967 by Norma Stonehill.
- Surgical Ligation of a Patent Ductus Arteriosus, by Robert E. Gross and John P. Hubbard, 1939.
- The Worlds Fair, by John Zahorsky, 1949.
- Quick, Another Baby’s Here!, by Glenhill Cameron, Colliers, 1950.
- A Transport Service for Premature Babies in New York City, by Margaret A. Losty et al, American Journal of Nursing, 1950.
- Chicago Plan for Care of Premature Infants, by Julius H. Hess, 1951.
- A Proposal for a New Method of Evaluation of the Newborn Infant, by Virginia Apgar, 1953.
- Experiences Gained in a Thirty-Year Study of Prematurely Born Infants, by Julius H. Hess, 1953.
- Surface properties in relation to atelectasis and hyaline membrane disease, by Mary Ellen Avery and Jere Mead 1959.
- Clinical Assessment of Gestational Age in the Newborn, by Lilly M.S. Dubowitz, 1970.
- Perspectives in Perinatology, Present and Future, by Louis Gluck, 1974
- Phototherapy, by R. H. Dobbs and R. J. Cremer, 1975.
- Incubator-Baby Side Shows, by William A. Silverman, 1979. Reproduced by permission of Pediatrics.
- Postscript tos Incubator-Baby Side Shows, by William A. Silverman, 1980. Reproduced by permission of Pediatrics.
- Martin Couney’s Story Revisited, by the AAP Perinatal Section Ad Hoc Committee on Perinatal History, 1997. Reproduced by permission of Pediatrics.
Classic Books in Neonatal/Perinatal Medicine (Sorted by Date)
- The Boke of Chyldren, by Thomas Phaire, 1545.
- De Morbis Puerorum, or, A Treatise of the Diseases of Children, by Robert Pemell, 1653.
- De Morbis Acutis Infantum, by Walter Harris, 1693. (This printing is from 1720, Latin) Source: Wellcome Collection.
- De Morbis Acutis Infantum, by Walter Harris, translated into English as An Exact Inquiry into the Diseases of Infants by William Cockburn in 1693, this printing is from 1694. Source: Internet Archive.
- De Morbis Infantum
, by Richard Conyers, 1729.
- Foundling Hospital, London: “An account of the hospital for the maintenance and education of exposed and deserted young children…” 1749.
- Of the Management of new-born Children, with the Diseases to which they are subject, from A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Midwifery, Volume I, Fourth Edition, by William Smellie, 1762.
- An Essay on the Diseases Most Fatal to Infants, by George Armstrong, 1767. Source: Wellcome Collection.
- A Treatise on the Diseases of Children, by Michael Underwood, 1784. Source: Wellcome Library.
- Traité de l’Ictère ou Jaunisse des Enfants de Naissance [Treatise on Icterus or Jaundice of the Newborn, 2nd edition]
, by Baumes, Thimotée, 1785.
- A Treatise on the Diseases of Children, Revised and Expanded (2 volumes), by Michael Underwood,1789. Source: Wellcome Library.
- Observations on the Mortality and Physical Management of Children, by John Roberton, 1827. Source: Wellcome Collection.
- Treatment of the Child, from Treatise on Midwifery, by A. I. Coffin, 1878.
- On the Wasting Diseases of Infants and Children, by Eustache Smith, 1885.
- Hygiene of the Nursery, by Louis Starr, 2nd edition, 1889. Source: Google Books.
- The Ailments of Early Infancy, chapter 11 of A Handbook of Obstetrical Nursing, by Anna M. Fullerton, 1891. Source: Library of Congress.
- Pediatrics: The Hygienic and Medical Treatment of Children, by T. M. Rotch, 1895.
- Infant Feeding by Artificial Means, by S. H. Sadler, Second Edition, 1896. Source: Wellcome Collection.
- Diseases of Infancy and Childhood, by L. Emmett Holt, 1898.
- Le Nourrisson, by Pierre Budin, Paris, 1900 [French]
- The Incubator Baby, by Ellis Parker Butler, 1906.
- The Nursling, by Pierre Budin, English translation of 1907, text document.
- The Nursling, by Pierre Budin, English translation of 1907, scanned document. Source: Wellcome Collection.
- Infant Feeding by Artificial Means, by S. H. Sadler, 1909.
- Premature and Congenitally Diseased Infants, by Julius H. Hess, 1922. Text document.
- Premature and Congenitally Diseased Infants, by Julius H. Hess, 1922. Scanned book. Source: Google Books.
- Infant Feeding: A Handbook for the Practitioner, by Julius H. Hess, 1924.
- The Premature Infant, Its Medical and Nursing Care, by Julius H. Hess and Evelyn C. Lundeen, 1941.
- Premature Infants: A Manual for Physicians, by Ethel C. Dunham, 1948.
- Retrolental Fibroplasia: A Modern Parable, by William A. Silverman, 1980.
- Historical Review and Recent Advances in Neonatal and Perinatal Medicine, edited by George F. Smith, MD and Dharmapuri Vidyasagar, MD, 1980.
Last Updated on 03/02/25