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Maternité Lion in New York City

Maternité Lion in New York City

Dr. Alexandre Lion opened an outpost of his institution “Oeuvre Maternelle des Couveuses d’Enfants” in 1897 at 5 West Eighteenth Street, New York.

Source: The Literary Digest.

The Lion institute received favorable press coverage. The establishment was publicized in a large photo spread and article in the December 9, 1897 issue of Leslie’s Weekly. The comfortable living room environment with plants and armchairs is quite a contrast from today’s neonatal intensive care units!

Source: Leslie’s Weekly.

The Institute was also the subject a brief mention in the New York Times on October 26, 1897 (below), and two articles in the The Literary Digest in 1898.

Source: The New York Times, October 26, 1897.

Last Updated on 03/26/24