Neonatology on the Web

Turin and Rome Expositions of 1911

Turin and Rome Expositions of 1911

The Turin International Exposition of 1911 (Exposizione Internazionale d’Industria e de Laboro) was open from April 29 to November 19, 1911 in the gardens of Valentino Castle near the River Po. It celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Kingdom of Italy. The attendance was 7,409,145, there were 125 buildings, and 37 nations and colonies participated.

A smaller exposition, called the International Exhibition of Art (Esposizione internazionale d’arte), also celebrating the anniversary, was held in Rome in the same year, opening on March 27 and closing on December 1. Attendance was disappointing because of poor weather and a cholera epidemic. However, the Roman National Museum grew out of this exhibition.

Remarkably, it appears that Alexandre Lion had incubator exhibits in both the Turin and Rome expositions in the same year. Souvenir postcards have survived for both. I have not found any photographs to document this so far, however.

Last Updated on 05/26/23