Exposition Internationale de Lille, 1902

The Exposition Internationale de Lille ran from June to October in 1902 on the Champ-de-Mars in Lille, France. The city was increasing in prominence at the time due to its textile industries. It is known to have included an incubator baby exhibit, and it is clear from the image on this souvenir postcard that it was another of Alexandre Lion’s pavilions; when viewed at its full size after a high resolution scan, “Oeuvre Maternelle des Couveuses d’Enfants” is clearly visible.

Information on Lion’s exhibit at Lille is quite sparse, although I was able to find a few mentions of it in contemporary periodicals on the Retronews.fr website. I have not yet been able to find a guidebook or catalog for the exhibit online, although specimens exist in print collections in France.
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“In addition to these important installations, let us also point out the Couveuses Lion, maternal work par excellence…” — Journal de Saint-Quentin, June 21, 1902 | “The Lion incubators have also been the object of incessant visits…” — Le Réveil du Nord, June 18, 1902 | “The Lion incubators have also been the object of incessant visits…” — La Dépeche Coloniale, June 19, 1902 |
A description of the exhibition in Reims the following year mentions that many of the pavilions in the Lille exhibition were reassembled and reused in a subsequent exposition in Reims.
Below: Maps showing the layout of the exhibition and its location within the city.

- Exposition Internationale de 1902, from Site dédié à l’histoire de Lille
- Exposition internationale de Lille 1902, from Worldsfair.info
- General Information
- Press Coverage
- La Maternité “Lion de Nice” pour Enfants Nés Avant Terme ou Débiles, by Dr. Ciaudo, 1895.
- Les Couveuses pour Enfants, Gazette Médicale de Paris, 1900
- Couveuses d’Enfants, La Maternité Lion, Paris, La Patrie, 1897
- Paris Letter: An Improved System of Incubators, by O. Jennings, Pediatrics 1:427-428, 1896
- Baby Incubators, The Strand Magazine, 1896, by James Walter Smith
- Human Infant Incubation: A True Fairy-Tale of Modern Science from Leslie’s Weekly, 1897
- The Saving of Human Life, Maternité Lion in NYC, The Literary Digest, 1898
- Immature Infants in France, from The Lancet, January 16, 1897, page 196.
- Alexandre Lion’s Incubator Charities in Europe (1894–1898) (The Embryo Project)
- Newspaper Articles about Lion’s Storefronts and Expositions
- Maternité Lion Souvenir Booklets
- Oeuvre Maternelle des Couveuses d’Enfants , Paris Institute, Booklet Version #1 (appears to be ~1896)
- Oeuvre Maternelle des Couveuses d’Enfants , Paris Institute, Booklet Version #2 (appears to be ~1901)
- Pamphlet from Alexander Lion’s exhibit at the 1898 exhibition in Torino, Italy. (PDF supplied by Dr. Thijs Gras, Amsterdam)
- Worlds Fairs and Expositions
- Maternité Lion at the Lyon Exposition Universelle et Coloniale, 1894
- Maternité Lion at the Bordeaux Exposition of 1895.
- “La Maternité Lion,” by Louis Énault, Journal of the Bordeaux Exposition, 1895
- Maternité Lion at the Amsterdam World Exposition, 1895
- Maternité Lion at the Berliner Gewerbeausstellung, 1896
- Maternité Lion at the Exposition National Suisse, Geneva, Switzerland, 1896
- Maternité Lion at the Tennessee Centennial Exposition, 1897
- Maternité Lion at the Brussels International Exposition, 1897
- Maternité Lion at the Turin L’Esposizione Generale Italiana, 1898
- Maternite Lion at the Ghent Provincial Exposition of 1899
- Maternité Lion at the Paris Exposition Universelle of 1900
- Woman’s Exhibition in Earls Court, London, 1900
- Maternité Lion at the Lille Exposition of 1902
- Maternité Lion at the Marseille Colonial Exposition of 1906
- Maternite Lion at the Bordeaux International Maritime Exposition of 1907
- Maternité Lion at the Marseille Exposition Internationale d’Électricité, 1908
- Maternité Lion at the Exposition Internationale de l’Est de la France, Nancy, France, 1909
- Maternité Lion at the Brussels Exposition Universelle et Internationale, 1910
- Maternite Lion at the Exposition du Centre de la France, Clermont-Ferrand, 1910
- Maternité Liion at the Rome International Exposition of 1911
- Maternité Lion at the Turin International Exposition of 1911
- Maternité Lion at the Ghent International Exposition of 1913
Last Updated on 02/16/23