Ouevre Maternelle des Couveuses d’Enfants, Barcelona
Oeuvre Maternelle des Couveuses d’Enfants in Barcelona, or “Obra Maternal de Incubadoras para Criaturas” as it was known in Spain, was located at 34 Calle del Conde del Asalto. Based on a contemporary account, it appears to have opened for business on December 6, 1902. We do not know how long it persisted there.
After the opening, there was a full-page article by R. Mainar LaHuerta in “Alrededor del Mundo,” a local periodical, on December 19, 1902. Several of the pictures below are taken from that article, and a scan of the full article is also available as a PDF. The usual Lion Incubators were used, and there was a large heated room so the babies could be removed from their incubators on display and kept warm during breastfeeding.

Dr. Lion prepared one of his typical postcards for the Barcelona branch, as he did for his other permanent storefronts and many of his pavilions in expositions. Unlike the Paris postcards, which are everywhere on eBay, the Barcelona Obra Maternal postcards are quite scarce.

Scans of the December 19, 1902 full article in “Alrededor del Mundo” can be found below, and a PDF is available for viewing separately.

A similar but somewhat more factual article appeared in El Mundo Cientifico on January 1, 1903. Scans of the article can be found below. Source: Biblioteca Nacional de España.

One more press clipping. The following article appeared in Vida Galante on 7-1-1903. This one has a better view of the actual incubator setup. Source: Biblioteca Nacional de España.

- General Information
- Press Coverage
- La Maternité “Lion de Nice” pour Enfants Nés Avant Terme ou Débiles, by Dr. Ciaudo, 1895.
- Les Couveuses pour Enfants, Gazette Médicale de Paris, 1900
- Couveuses d’Enfants, La Maternité Lion, Paris, La Patrie, 1897
- Paris Letter: An Improved System of Incubators, by O. Jennings, Pediatrics 1:427-428, 1896
- Baby Incubators, The Strand Magazine, 1896, by James Walter Smith
- Human Infant Incubation: A True Fairy-Tale of Modern Science from Leslie’s Weekly, 1897
- The Saving of Human Life, Maternité Lion in NYC, The Literary Digest, 1898
- Immature Infants in France, from The Lancet, January 16, 1897, page 196.
- Alexandre Lion’s Incubator Charities in Europe (1894–1898) (The Embryo Project)
- Newspaper Articles about Lion’s Storefronts and Expositions
- Maternité Lion Souvenir Booklets
- Oeuvre Maternelle des Couveuses d’Enfants , Paris Institute, Booklet Version #1 (appears to be ~1896)
- Oeuvre Maternelle des Couveuses d’Enfants , Paris Institute, Booklet Version #2 (appears to be ~1901)
- Pamphlet from Alexander Lion’s exhibit at the 1898 exhibition in Torino, Italy. (PDF supplied by Dr. Thijs Gras, Amsterdam)
- Worlds Fairs and Expositions
- Maternité Lion at the Lyon Exposition Universelle et Coloniale, 1894
- Maternité Lion at the Bordeaux Exposition of 1895.
- “La Maternité Lion,” by Louis Énault, Journal of the Bordeaux Exposition, 1895
- Maternité Lion at the Amsterdam World Exposition, 1895
- Maternité Lion at the Berliner Gewerbeausstellung, 1896
- Maternité Lion at the Exposition National Suisse, Geneva, Switzerland, 1896
- Maternité Lion at the Tennessee Centennial Exposition, 1897
- Maternité Lion at the Brussels International Exposition, 1897
- Maternité Lion at the Turin L’Esposizione Generale Italiana, 1898
- Maternite Lion at the Ghent Provincial Exposition of 1899
- Maternité Lion at the Paris Exposition Universelle of 1900
- Woman’s Exhibition in Earls Court, London, 1900
- Maternité Lion at the Lille Exposition of 1902
- Maternité Lion at the Marseille Colonial Exposition of 1906
- Maternite Lion at the Bordeaux International Maritime Exposition of 1907
- Maternité Lion at the Marseille Exposition Internationale d’Électricité, 1908
- Maternité Lion at the Exposition Internationale de l’Est de la France, Nancy, France, 1909
- Maternité Lion at the Brussels Exposition Universelle et Internationale, 1910
- Maternite Lion at the Exposition du Centre de la France, Clermont-Ferrand, 1910
- Maternité Liion at the Rome International Exposition of 1911
- Maternité Lion at the Turin International Exposition of 1911
- Maternité Lion at the Ghent International Exposition of 1913
Last Updated on 02/07/23